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beruby United Kingdom :

Save more with beruby!

You can save BIG with just a click of a button when you use beruby for all your online activity! is a portal that you can personalise


BeRuby has links to many of the most popular sites on the web. You can personalise your BeRuby page to feature your own favourite links. Simply click on the + sign. BeRuby will remember your settings, which you can modify whenever you like. gives you cash back for your activity on the web

BeRuby has advertising agreements with all the sites that display the Ruby symbol. Unlike other portals, BeRuby shares the revenue generated through these agreements.  Specifically, BeRuby gives you, the user, one-third of the advertising revenue that you generate by visiting, shopping or registering in these sites. The amount of the commission that users can earn will vary by site and will often depend on how much is purchased from the merchant. The more rubies that are displayed next to the store the larger  the potential commission. also pays you for the activity of your network

BeRuby not only gives you cash back for your own activity, but also for the activity of the friends and contacts that you refer. When someone that you reccomend joins BeRuby, you will receive one sixth of all the revenues generated by that person and another sixth from of all the people that they recommend. 


How much money can you earn from

The amount of cash that you earn from Beruby will be determined by how much you use the BeRuby service and the size of your BeRuby network. Every time someone you recommend joins Beruby you get one-sixth of the comissions that they generate for life and you get another sixth of the commission for each person that they refer. The larger your network the more you can earn. keeps you updated on the revenues you have earned

BeRuby provides you with information on all the revenues that you have earned both personally and through your network. This information is updated regularly based on the information that the different merchants provide.  

Register and earn your first 1
pound: — Giving you Cashback Rewards for Simply Using the Internet



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